It’s been a busy two weeks at CalEarth! Cooley Construction arrived on 4/1 to begin the first stage of civil improvements — a fire access road that goes throughout our 7 acre property as well as ADA parking spaces in various locations. It was definitely tough to watch the big machines clear away bushes and a few small temporary structures to make the path, but now that it’s nearly complete, the site is starting to look more and more like an educational research campus!
Once this stage is complete, the inspector will come and sign off and then we can hopefully re-open the campus in the coming weeks! Stay tuned for the exact date. We also got the final approval for the next stage — curb, gutter, sidewalk, and a parking lot on the east side of campus, and will begin fundraising for the final $39,000 needed for this project next week. Thanks to everyone for your support and encouragement these past few months; we couldn’t have done it without you.
— Sheefteh & Dastan Khalili and the CalEarth Team