CalEarth alum, Owen Ingley and his partner, Paula Paoli work hard to promote SuperAdobe as a building technique to help those in need of housing that can withstand hurricanes in Puerto Rico. Their non-profit, Plenitud PR, is an educational farm and community that builds SuperAdobe domes, teaches sustainability skills and engages people in community service.
After Hurricane Maria swept through the island, thousands of homes were destroyed. Ingley explained to USA TODAY that “…the rapid turnaround, as well as the inexpensive materials, make SuperAdobe housing a cost-effective solution to provide temporary or permanent housing to people who lose their homes after a natural disaster.”
Read more about Plenitud PR and how they are helping re-build Puerto Rico in USA TODAY’s article, “Homes made of sandbags, barbed wire could offer cheaper, safer shelter as climate crisis worsens.”